Call for Papers

Library Buildings and Equipment Section with Acquisition and Collection Development Section

Space and collections earning their keep: Transformation, technologies, retooling

Español | français


13-14 August 2014


Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations (BULAC), Paris, France


Library buildings and their interior spaces should be closely related to their functions. Traditionally they have served as book and journal storage spaces offering access to diverse physical collections. Today, following numerous social and technological changes, libraries need to retool their services. Physical as well as digital collections have to "cohabit" within a building. The transformation in information technology had had an enormous impact on users' research behaviour which in turn demands new discovery environments. Access and use of media have to be organized according to the manifold needs of users and with regard to the opportunities of mobile technology. As a result, different types of collections and the needs of the users compete for priority in library spaces. These need more than ever to be flexible and adaptable in the future. Architects must seek to provide solutions for the integration of and access to physical and also digital media.

The Library Buildings & Equipment Standing Committee and the Acquisition and Collection Development Standing Committee are looking for papers that highlight how public, academic and research communities in different regions of the world provide high quality, adaptable and innovative library spaces meeting the needs of different users.


Sessions will be organized around the following topics:

  • Transformation in information technology and the development of digital and physical collections
  • Development of new discovery and access tools to media
  • Case studies and design solutions for retooling library services to enable improved access, use and presentation of collections in different formats
  • Examples of excellence in library architecture that reflects form and function;
  • Adaptation of space to meet the different demands of changing collections and patterns of use.

Presenters can include examples from the public, academic and research library world. The theme of WLIC 2014, "Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge" should provide the context of the presentation.

Paper Submission

The IFLA Library Building and Equipment Section and the Acquisition and Collection DevelopmentSection welcome submissions of abstracts from prospective presenters on any of these broad themes. From among the abstracts received, 3 - 5 papers on each topic will be selected for presentation at the satellite meeting. Papers may describe recent projects relevant to the themes listed above. Papers may also offer a more speculative viewpoint, with forecasts of how library architecture and building design will need to change in order to meet the challenges of information diversity.

The following should be provided:

  • name and institution of presenter(s)
  • an abstract of the paper describing the project, campaign or research carried out (1 page, up to 350 words) preferably in English
  • relevant biographical information of author(s)/presenter(s)

Please send your proposals by 14 February 2014 via e-mail to the chair of the LBE section:

Dorothea Sommer
Email: [email protected]
and the chair of the ACD section
Joseph Hafner
Email: [email protected]

The abstracts will be reviewed and selected by a Review Committee. The paper can be given at the Satellite meeting in any of IFLA's official languages, but preferably in English. Successful proposals will be identified and announced by 15 March 2014.

If a paper is selected authors must commit to presenting it in Paris.

All presenters and their papers will be listed in the programme of the conference. Therefore presenters must forward the full text of their papers by 16 May 2014 to allow time for review. The time allowed for the presentation will be 40 minutes. Papers should be no longer than 20 pages.

Conference Registration

The registration fee is 100 Euro per person depending on prevailing exchange rates). The important dates related to registration are shown as below.

More information about conference registration will be available on the website at: after the paper selection process.

Start of online registration and payment receipt 30 March 2014
Standard registration fees deadline 4 August 2014
Onsite registration (cash only + no refund) 12 August 2014


All proposals must be in before 14 February 2014.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The French National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information will be available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 11 February 2014