Library Visits Programme

Local library visits

There will be a number of visits in Lyon and its metropolitan area on Friday 22 August 2014. Attendees will be able to book those visits onsite during the congress in Lyon only. Local visits to the Lyon Metropolitan area can be reached by public transport. The meeting point for local visits will be at the Lyon Public Library ‘Part Dieu’. However, attendees must arrange their own transportation.

Full-day library visits: France - non local visits

All library visits outside of Lyon require pre-registration and are based on a minimum number of 10 attendees. Should the minimum number of attendees not be reached, the Congress Secretariat reserves the right to cancel the tour. The meeting point for non local visits will be at the Central Railway Station of ‘La Part Dieu’, however attendees must arrange their own transportation. Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and sent to the Congress Secretariat by email or fax. Transportation arrangements may depend on the visit (2 hours maximum by train from Lyon).

Full-day library visits outside France: Switzerland

All library visits outside of Lyon require pre-registration and are based on a minimum number of 10 attendees. Should the minimum number of attendees not be reached, the Congress Secretariat reserves the right to cancel the tour. The meeting point for non local visits will be at the Central Railway Station of ‘La Part Dieu’, however attendees must arrange their own transportation. Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and sent to the Congress Secretariat by email or fax. Transportation arrangements may depend on the visit (2 hours maximum by train from Lyon).


For questions concerning library visits, please contact [email protected].

Last update: 7 May 2014