Call for Papers

Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section

Transmedia as a cultural approach for children and young adults


Off-site session at the Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon Part-Dieu (Public Library of Lyon Part-Dieu) orginized by the IFLA Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults.

The digital age is introducing new reading practices. In this context of deep change in the reading landscape, transmedia could be a means of attracting new readers and developing new reading practices. Transmedia storytelling is done through different media, each of them making distinct contributions to the viewer/user/player's understanding of the story world. By using different media, different "entry points" are created for young people to become immersed in a story world.

Cultural institutions in every country struggle to attract teenagers and young adults. The transmediatic approach could be a response to young people’s lack of involvement and interest for reading. Transmedia appears like a new language more targeted and adapted to young people’s cultural practices: zapping, diversity of formats and platforms, multitude of cultural forms of expression.

As to children, transmedia can improve and reinforce their cultural practices and enlarge their perspectives to other areas of creation.

Could transmedia be a new means of leading children and young adults to the pleasure of reading, of giving them the opportunity to be actors of the creative collective process?

How can we give or restore a place for reading in their lives with transmedia ?

How can we integrate this new approach on a daily basis in our libraries? How can we build transmedia collections and bridges between different media?

This session intends to study these questions and to produce recommendations useful to practitioners.

The expected audience is likely to include public and school librarians, teachers, cultural workers, students and scholars as well other professionals working with children and young adults.


We are particularly interested in presentations on the following topics:

  • What is transmedia narration, what is transmedia reading ?
  • What is the transmedia commercial offer and how to identify it?
  • How to build bridges between media and create transmedia collections?
  • How to classify, organize and design space for these documents?
  • How to introduce transmedia collections to readers ?
  • How to use transmedia to lead to young people’s reading, creation and participation
  • Can transmedia works attract young readers and render reading attractive?
  • What are the limits and the advantages of transmedia ?
  • How to use transmedia to give collaborative projects a better chance ?
  • What competences, what training is necessary to work with transmedia ?

Submission Guidelines

Proposals should be sent before 7 March 2014 via email to:

Mélanie Archambaud
Email: [email protected]

Proposals must include in English or in French (please submit in both languages if it is possible for you) :

  • Title of paper
  • Summary of paper (up to 500 words)
  • The speaker’s name, address, telephone and fax numbers, professional affiliation, email address and short biographical note (40 words)

The abstract will be reviewed by the Review Committee. Successful proposals will be identified and announced by 21 March 2014.

Full text papers should be submitted in a Word file by 12 May 2014. Papers should be 3-20 pages long and written in English or in French. Papers must include an abstract and an appendix with practical recommendations derived from the paper.

The length of oral presentation will be of 20 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion with the audience.


  • Official langages are English and French. Successive interpretation will be provided for Introductions and questions-answers. Guided tours of the library and of two exhibitions will take place in English and in French after the papers.  
  • IMPORTANT: for oral presentations in English : please send to [email protected] your PowerPoint slides before 1st of July, so that the organizers can translate them into French.

Important Deadlines

7 March 2014 Deadline for submitting proposals
21 March 2014 Notification of acceptance
12 May 2014 Deadline for submission of final papers


All proposals must be in before 7 марта 2014.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The French National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information will be available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 20 January 2014