Call for Papers

Religious Libraries in Dialogue Special Interest Group

Libraries at the heart of dialogue of cultures and religions: history, present, future

العربية | Español | français


25-26 August 2014


Catholic University of Paris
21 rue d’Assas, 75006 Paris, France


IFLA Religious Libraries in Dialogue Special Interest Group (SIG Relindial)  in collaboration with the Theologicum of the Catholic University of Paris and local contacts:

invite you to submit a proposal for a presentation for the IFLA Satellite Meeting to be held in Paris, France, on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th August 2014, at the Catholic University of Paris, 21 rue d’Assas, 75006 Paris.

We are interested in receiving papers that demonstrate how libraries are at the heart of cultural dialogue for centuries. During the Antiquity and until now, libraries are witnesses of the cultural and religious exchanges between civilizations. Famous libraries have been the cornerstone of the history of humankind in all its diversity.


Heritage libraries with a religious focus - how they came into existence, what changes they have undergone over the centuries, how has international collaborations facilitated their growth, their reconstruction and development.

Moving from Antiquity to the present

The history of mankind is marked by the development of the great libraries which fostered cultural exchanges such as those that were involved in cultural exchanges in the Middle East and the Silk Road during antiquity.

Speaking about one special library:

  • What was at the origin of the creation of this library?
  • Under what kind of authority did it develop?
  • What was the purpose of its development?
  • How did it foster the dialogue between religions and culture?
  • What is the place of the languages in this library?

Today, how technical concerns, new standards and digitization do improve better knowledge a religious cultures?

1. The semantic web

  • How is the religious vocabulary reflected in the existing tools?
  • What are the different contributions that already exist in the tools developed today?
  • Are there existing religious vocabularies or thesaurus or classifications that could be taken into account by the tools of the semantic web?
  • Are there projects on the road to make religious vocabularies enter the semantic web?

2. FRBR-RDA standards

  • How can FRBR-RDA standards help to improve the understanding of religious knowledge?

3. Digital libraries

During history, some libraries were dispersed because of diverse archaeological interests.  Thanks to international collaborations, some heritage religious libraries have been given a new digital life.

We are interested in learning how giving access to whole dispersed collections in a digital form was made possible.  For example:

  • What is the  history of this special library or libraries
  • Cultural interests involved in this digitization
  • Funding concerns
  • Necessary international partnership and collaborations
  • Technical concerns
  • Sustainability

Anticipating the future:

What are the principal problems to be solved to support, protect and sustain heritage libraries?

Submission Guidelines

Proposals should be sent before the extended deadline: 3 March 2014 via email to :

Odile Dupont
Email: [email protected]

Proposals must be in English or in French (please submit in both languages if it is possible for you): and must include:

  • Title of paper
  • Summary of paper (up to 500 words)
  • The speaker’s name, address, telephone and fax numbers, professional affiliation, email
    address and short biographical note (40 words)

The official languages of the meeting are English and French. Simultaneous Interpretation shall be provided

The abstracts will be reviewed by the Review Committee. Successful proposals will be identified and announced by 24 March 2014.

Full text papers should be submitted in a Word file by 30 April 2014. Papers should be 3-20 pages long and written in English or in French. Papers must include an abstract and an appendix with practical recommendations derived from the paper.

The length of oral presentations of papers will be communicated in due time. Presentations can be in English or in French. The texts of oral presentations must be sent at least five weeks before the conference.

Important Dates

Deadline extended for submissions

31 January 3 March 2014

Notification of acceptance/rejection

21 February 24 March  2014

Final program and full registration information

April 2014

Deadline for submission of final papers

30 April 2014

Deadline for submission PowerPoint presentation for oral presentation

21 July 2014


Registration fees will be waived for the speakers. However, it is the speakers’ responsibility to find funding for travel, accommodation and associated costs, which IFLA and its Sections are not in a position to fund.


Doyen : Fr. Thierry-Marie Courau
Institut Catholique de Paris
21 rue d’Assas
75006 Paris, France

Section IFLA Social Sciences Libraries
Chair : Dr. Chiku Mnubi- Mchombu
Senior Documentalist
Human Rights and Documentation Centre
University of Namibia
Windhoek,  Namibia
Email: [email protected]

Association des Bibliothèques Chrétiennes de France
Présidente : Michèle Behr
Secrétaire-trésorière : Noémie Marijon :
Bibliothèque du séminaire provincial
de Lyon - Saint Irénée
4 place Fourvière
69005 Lyon, France
Email: [email protected]

Bibliothèque de Port Royal
Directeur : Fabien Vandermarcq
169 rue Saint Jacques
75005 Paris, France
Email: [email protected]

Bibliothèque Universitaire
Directrice : Magali Hurtrel Pizarro
Institut catholique de Toulouse
31 rue de la Fonderie
B.P. 7012
31068 Toulouse Cedex 7
Email: [email protected]

Biblioteca de Teología / Coordinadora Inclusión SIBUC
Jefe de Biblioteca : Javiera Bravo Calderón
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860 - Comuna de Macul
Santiago – Chile
Email: [email protected]

Library, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Executive Director: Randa Al Chidiac
P.O. Box 446, Jounieh, Lebanon


All proposals must be in before 3 марта 2014.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The French National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information will be available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 18 February 2014