Call for Papers

Metropolitan Libraries Section

Disrupting and colliding: New trends for access, privacy, learning, empowerment and technology


"It's imperative that we recognize the changes going on around us, prepare and transform ourselves accordingly, and stay flexible – because Internet time waits for no one, and that includes libraries". Ingrid Parent, Former IFLA President, at 2013 Launch of IFLA Trend Report.

The 2013 IFLA Trend Report put forth five key trends that will shape the global information environment. The report is a starting point for libraries to work back from, and consider how they could better fit into a new global economy that is connected yet profoundly shaped by fast-evolving "technology" in some way. Metropolitan libraries, being at the heart of our cities’ information and knowledge aspirations, must naturally initiate conversations about the rapid evolution of these global trends, their collision at different social fronts and their corresponding challenges and impact on library services, and the very identity of libraries around the world.

Metropolitan Libraraies Section (MetLib) programme at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Lyon, France (16-22 August 2014) will set the stage for IFLA and MetLib Section members to share their views, vision and strategies of transforming the library and its services in a bid to meet the demands of a new global normal. Specifically, MetLib members and professionals from public libraries in metropolitan areas are invited to submit proposals for 15 minutes presentations with the view to discuss and tackle the trends:

  • New technology will expand access to information, but also presents barriers
  • Online learning will transform and disrupt traditional education
  • Boundaries of data protection and privacy will be redefined
  • Hyper-connected societies will recognize and empower new voices
  • Our global information economy will be transformed by new technologies

Presentations will be followed by a world-café discussion.

Submission Guidelines

The proposals must be submitted in electronic format and must contain:

  • Title of the paper
  • Author(s) of the paper
  • Abstract or summary of the paper (400 words maximum)
  • Speaker’s name, address, professional affiliation, email address, and biographical note (40 words maximum)

Please submit proposals to:

Ai Cheng Tay
Chair of the Metropolitan Libraries Section
Email: [email protected]
Corrado Di Tillio
Secretary of the Section
Email: [email protected]

Important dates

28 February 2014

Deadline for submission of abstract

15 March 2014

Notification of acceptance/rejection of paper

31 May 2014

Deadline for submission of final paper

The session will be conducted in English. All proposals will be required to be in English. It is hoped that all selected presenters will be able to prepare a formal paper, as well as Power Point slides. Selected presenters are encouraged to submit a final paper in advance which supports their planned presentation and which will be made available through the IFLA’s institutional repository, the IFLA Library. Final papers can be submitted in one of the official IFLA working languages. If any of them is written in other official IFLA language than English, an accompanying translation in English must be attached. Papers must be original and not have been published elsewhere.


All proposals must be in before 28 февраля 2014.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The French National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information will be available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 11 January 2014