10 سبتمبر 2012

IFLA WLIC 2014 = Lyon, France!

IFLA 2014

Enthusiastic French delegates greet the news

IFLA 2014

Enthusiastic French delegates greet the news

During the Closing Session in Helsinki Finland on 16 August, IFLA President Ingrid Parent officially announced the host location for the 2014 World Library and Information Congress:

Lyon, France!

After the announcement, Hubert Julien-Laferriere, Vice-président of Le Grand Lyon, told delegates:

This is first an honor, because the World congress of IFLA is in our view the meeting point of all the actors of knowledge, encompassing public libraries as well as academic networks; and is, for a few days, a world summit for sharing and disseminating knowledge.

Then we are thankful because Lyon is acknowledged as one of the most dynamic cultural metropolis in Europe, due to its strong sponsorship of culture and arts - and indeed, culture and education are the two top items in the budget of our city. [...] The cultural riches of our city, and of its areas of knowledge, must be in our view shared by all and easily accessible to all. In this sense, we want to position the development of our city as the one of a city of knowledge, and we want this 2014 World Congress of IFLA in Lyon to be a success in this very perspective. "

Pascal Sanz, President Comité français international bibliothèques et documentation, added to the invitation:

The French International Committee for Libraries and Documentation (Comité français international bibliothèques et documentation, or Cfibd) took the initiative, almost two years ago, to venture to phrasing and bearing the bid of France and of the City of Lyon, to host the IFLA Congress in 2014.

This initiative, since its inception, involved all the main library associations and major library institutions in our country.

As a result, you can imagine our happiness that Lyon has now been chosen for 2014. And all of us, with the City of Lyon, we'll stake all of our enthusiasm, of our working capacity, and of our imagination, to make sure you live one of the most successful and friendly congresses in 2014.

On behalf of Mr Bruno Racine, President of the French National Library, and co-chair the French National Committee, who was not able to join this Closing session,

And on behalf of all of France's librarians and of their associations, I wish you in turn a warm welcome to France and to Lyon in 2014."

Join us in Lyon, France on 16–22 August 2014!

Last update: 29 July 2014