Call for Papers

Library Theory and Research Section with ALISE
& EUCLID and Città di Torino - Biblioteche civiche Torino

Theory and research on the convergence of professional identity in cultural heritage institutions (Libraries, Museums, and Archives) beyond technology


13-14 August 2014


Turin, Italy


IFLA - Library Theory and Research Section,
Città di Torino, Biblioteche civiche Torino.

This collaborative forum is being offered as a satellite event to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress being held 16-22 August 2014 in Lyon, France. This satellite meeting will be held on 13-14 August 2014 in Turin, Italy.

Focus and General Themes:

One implication of the digitalization of information resources for cultural heritage organizations and memory institutions such as libraries, archives, and museums (LAM) is an increase in the confluence of skills needed by professionals in all three institutions. More and more of the work of these professionals are overlapping in their use of digital applications to provide better services.

The IFLA Satellite meeting to be held in Turin, Italy just prior to the IFLA 2014 conference in Lyon, France, will explore the theories relating to user services provided in libraries, archives, and museums and the strengths and the theoretical foundations for the convergence of educational programs for culturally competent professionals working in these institutions. Applied and empirical research results of both successful and not successful experiences to achieve the convergence of education and the expansion of services of these three institutions will also be considered. The goal of the Satellite Meeting will be to establish a community of researchers and practitioners who will further the design and delivery of education and services in these three professions and develop the potential for international partnerships to support these services.

Such research will improve the design and delivery of library services, as well as the potential for international partnerships designed to support further collaborative research in this area and is an opportunity to explore and discuss research findings related to the convergence of libraries, archives and museums, including the factors that influence convergence decisions, the professional strengths and organizational missions that promote and impede successful collaboration, and the theoretical concepts that suggest that these institutions can create value by working together as they pursue their shared responsibilities as cultural heritage institutions in the digital age.

The satellite program will be structured into the following sections:

General Themes:

  • Needed Research in establishing a theoretical and applied research agenda for convergence
  • Theoretical foundations for the convergence of professions
  • Review of historical and professional barriers to convergence
  • Impact of international, national, and private sector funding
  • Transnational / transdisciplinary research problems impacting future progress
  • Opportunities and barriers to achieving the convergence of education and services of libraries, archives, and museums.
  • Professional organizations and associations
  • Digital technology
  • Building and accessing multilingual collections
  • Data curation and big data

Questions to be explored in the Satellite workshops, panels, papers and posters.

How can the traditional focus of each of the three memory organizations. (Libraries, Archives, and Museums) be revised to reflect the opportunities presented in a digital age? How can LAM organizations be involved in Research data and Big data curation?

To what extent do professional perceptions and traditions in different countries and cultures create barriers to and provide support for convergence activities?

To what extent have technological innovations contributed to convergence? Beyond technology, what ties the memory institutions together?

To what extent have changes in traditional missions, such as the emerging emphasis on user-focused services, contributed to convergence and how are they related to changes in theoretical goals and functions?

How should we think about convergence? Does convergence mean professional collaboration, cooperation among memory institutions, or consolidation of services and products? Which approaches are desirable and under what circumstances?

Is convergence practical, desirable, or just a theoretical dream?

The IFLA LTR satellite meeting will be of interest to:

  • University faculty and staff working in memory organizations (Libraries, Archives, Museums -LAM)
  • National and international planners working with memory organizations
  • Project leaders and administrative staff involved in curriculum innovation and eLearning for LAM Professionals.
  • Libraries associations, electronic and multimedia publishers, and information services developers with interests in innovation in delivery of LAM services and products
  • University faculty, government agencies, and research fellows at national and international institutes who are exploring the benefits of convergence and the factors that influence successful cooperation and value creation
  • Graduate students in library and information science, archives and museum studies programmes

Full papers

Proposals for full papers must be submitted by 30 March 2014.

The proposal must include the following.

Title of Proposed Presentation

Abstract of proposed presentation – 300 words maximum

Name(s) of presenters with employer or affiliated institution, plus full contact information (phone and email)

Short biographical statements regarding the presenter(s) (300 words maximum per presenter)

The satellite themes the proposal addresses

Poster presentations

Proposals for poster presentations must be submitted by 30 March 2014.

Please submit:

  • The title of the proposed poster presentation
  • A description of the topic of the proposed poster presentation (300 words)
  • Details of the presenter(s) (see below)

Details of the presenter(s)

  • Name(s) of presenter(s)
  • Position or title of presenter(s)
  • Presenter(s) employer or affiliated institution
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone/fax numbers
  • Short biographical statement regarding the presenter(s)

English is the official language of the satellite meeting. All proposals, papers and posters and should be written and presented in English.

Proposals for full papers and poster presentations should be sent by email with attachments to:
Dr. Anna Maria Tammaro
IFLA Section for Library Theory and Research
Email: [email protected]

Evaluation and notification of acceptance

All proposals will be evaluated by a refereeing committee representing the IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID conference organisers. Successful candidates will be notified by 19 April 2014.

The full paper must be submitted by 30 May 2014 to allow time for the review of papers and the final preparation of the program. Details on the format and length of the final paper will be emailed to the successful candidates.

At least one of the authors must undertake to be present to deliver a summary of the paper or the poster at the satellite meeting in Turin.

Organizing Committee

Anna Maria Tammaro (IFLA LTR), Terry Weech (IFLA LTR), Krystyna Matusiak (IFLA LTR), Jennifer Weil Arns (IFLA LTR), Patricia Montiel-Overall (ALISE), Serap Kurbanoglu (EUCLID), Tatjana Aparac Jelušić (EUCLID), Paolo Messina (Biblioteche Civiche Torino)

Further information

Please direct any queries about the satellite meeting to:
Dr. Anna Maria Tammaro
IFLA Section for Library Theory and Research
Email: [email protected]


All proposals must be in before 30 مارس 2014.

Please note

The conference organizers are not able to provide financial assistance to prospective authors. Proposals should only be submitted on the understanding that the expenses of attending the IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID-Città di Torino Satellite meeting (including travel, accommodation, expenses and conference fees) will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers. Some employers and national professional associations may be able to help fund certain expenses.

Congress Attendance Grants

The French National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information will be available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 24 February 2014